
Tenant Selection

“We begin with the end in mind”

Careful tenant selection is the key to successful property management

To ensure a worry free tenancy it is necessary for us to thoroughly check all applications received. We do not necessarily accept the first application received on your property and will often submit more than one application for your consideration. We do not remove your property from our rental list until we have received your instruction to accept the application you prefer.

We have an extensive checking system when selecting tenants and require the following from each person named on the Lease:
• Each tenant must complete a comprehensive application
• Each tenant must provide sufficient identification from our 100 point checklist
• Each tenant must provide proof of income including pay-slips
• Details of income and employment

Additionally, we carry out the following checks on all tenants:
A personal check on each tenant named on the lease through the leading default tenancy database, the Tenancy Information Centre of Australia (TICA). This check can give us access to any previous adverse record of individual tenants, covering both New Zealand and Australia rental history.
• Employment information is checked and verified
• Previous Rental History with other Agents, including a copy of their current rental ledger is verified. Private Landlords are always contacted and details confirmed.
• Confirm personal references

As soon as we receive your approval of an application, we will require the tenant to pay their deposit and sign the lease, only then will the property be withdrawn from our advertising list.